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Canada Day – What employers need to know

This year, Canada Day (July 1) falls on a Thursday. Unlike some public holidays, which shift dates in order to provide a long weekend, Canada Day is to be celebrated on the day it falls. This year, there has been much discussion of the fact that it creates a situation in which many people have Thursday off, and are then expected to return to work for one day before enjoying their weekend.

Rudner Law, Employment / HR Law & Mediation

Time to read 4 minutes read
Calendar June 30, 2010
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Privacy risk management – by design

I’ve discussed the Privacy by Design principle before, in the Inside Internal Control newsletter. In case you don’t know, PbD is an approach developed by Dr. Ann Cavoukian, the Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, which proactively embeds privacy protection by default in the design of an organization’s practices and products.

Colin Braithwaite

Time to read 1 minutes read
Calendar June 10, 2010
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‘Hazing’ and ‘horseplay’ in the workplace – a serious matter for the employer

I recently read an article on “hazing” and “horseplay” in the workplace. Photos and videos revealed incidents where employees were subjected to some very unusual, and downright unacceptable, treatment in the transportation and works department of their municipal employer.

Christina Catenacci, BA, LLB, LLM, PhD

Time to read 4 minutes read
Calendar June 4, 2010