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Women’s expectations in the workplace may play critical role in how they are treated at work

Canadian women starting their careers still expect to earn considerably less than men, wait longer then men for promotions, and have lower salaries after five years of working, according to a soon-to-be-released study. This despite the fact that some believe we are reaching the point of equality in the workplace. Why is this happening? Why do women still have these expectations?

Christina Catenacci, BA, LLB, LLM, PhD

Time to read 3 minutes read
Calendar May 27, 2011
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AODA: Inappropriate words can bite – the customer service standard

The Accessibility Standard for Customer Service Regulation obligates Ontario businesses and their employees to communicate with persons with disabilities in a manner that takes into account the person’s disability. Employers must train employees to interact and communicate with people that have various types of disabilities…

Suzanne Cohen Share

Time to read 6 minutes read
Calendar May 25, 2011
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Bill 168, workplace violence and harassment provisions in OHSA – A year in review – Learn the latest

Nearly one year ago, the Ontario government enacted Bill 168, which added workplace violence and harassment provisions to the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Many employers were ready, but many are still scrambling to comply, which, among other things, includes developing written policies to address both violence and harassment at work and to review those policies at least once a year.

Ted Kenney

Time to read 2 minutes read
Calendar May 25, 2011
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Slaw: Manitoba introduces Canada’s first Adult Abuse Registry

On May 11, 2011, Manitoba proposed Canada’s first adult abuse registry as well as tough new offences and penalties to better protect adults with intellectual disabilities. The registry would make the names of those who abuse or neglect vulnerable adults under any Act available to employers for screening potential employees or volunteers. Similar registries already exist in the United States.

Ted Kenney

Time to read 1 minutes read
Calendar May 19, 2011
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Social networking and Internet abuse in the workplace – Learn the latest

We’ve written plenty on First Reference Talks about the significant effects—both negative and positive—that online social networking can have on workplaces. Whether its Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, news or entertainment blogs or what-have-you, employees are using social media, and increasingly they’re doing it on your time. Employers should be aware of the potential value they can derive from social media, as well as the potential risks.

Adam Gorley

Time to read 2 minutes read
Calendar May 18, 2011
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Ongoing evolution of ‘the damages formerly known as Wallace’

As we all know, in the late 1990’s the Supreme Court of Canada held that employers had a duty to act in good faith in the course of terminating the employment relationship. In Wallace v. United Grain Growers, our High Court found that the employer had breached that duty, and the majority held that the remedy for such a breach would be to extend the applicable notice period. Over the following decade, claims for “Wallace damages” became commonplace, to say the least. Unfortunately, many courts seemed more than willing to oblige plaintiffs, finding bad faith in all sorts of circumstances that, while not demonstrative of perfect practice in the course of dismissal, hardly seemed to indicate conduct taken in bad faith.

Rudner Law, Employment / HR Law & Mediation

Time to read 5 minutes read
Calendar May 5, 2011