Imagen 1

New accessible buildings standards take effect in 2015

Since the passage of the Accessibility of Ontarians with Disabilities Act in 2005, Ontario has been steadily advancing its accessibility project with new and amended standards and regulations. The goal is an “accessible Ontario” by 2025, supporting all Ontarians in accessing goods, services, facilities, accommodation, employment, buildings, structures and premises. Two new regulations addressing the built environment will come into force in 2015.

Adam Gorley

Time to read 6 minutes read
Calendar February 20, 2014
Imagen 1

What is the impact of mental health issues on the duty to mitigate

It has often been said that termination from employment is the capital punishment of employment law. While perhaps too extreme an analogy, there is no doubt that termination is an emotionally draining experience. The courts have grappled with the issue of plaintiffs in a wrongful dismissal claim who argue that the emotional upheaval of their dismissal resulted in an inability to look for replacement work for a period of time.

Earl Altman

Time to read 3 minutes read
Calendar February 19, 2014
Imagen 1

Working or not working on family day? A public holiday in most jurisdictions

Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Prince Edward Island, British Columbia and now Nova Scotia are the Canadian jurisdiction that recognize Family Day as a public (statutory) holiday and allow workers that qualify time off with pay on that day. This year except in British Columbia and Nova Scotia, family day for these provinces fall on February 17, 2014.

Ted Kenney

Time to read 14 minutes read
Calendar February 14, 2014