Can independent contractors claim damages for constructive dismissal? In a decision released March 7, 2018 by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Barresi v Jones Lang LaSalle Real Estate Services, Inc., 2018 ONSC 837, the answer to that question was essentially yes. Facts The case concerned a commercial real estate broker, Barresi, who was retained […]
Occasional Contributors
A bonus policy may state that employees who are eligible for bonuses must also be actively employed to receive their bonus payments. That is, employers may institute an “active employment clause”. Courts will uphold valid active employment clauses, as demonstrated by Bois v. MD Physician Services Inc., 2017 ONCA 857 (CanLII). MD Physician Services Inc. […]
Apolone Gentles, JD, CPA,CGA, FCCA, Bsc (Hons)