An employer named in a Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario Application, if decided against, may be responsible for both wage loss and most likely general damages.
Kevin Sambrano, Sambrano Legal Services
Employers in Ontario have to post a lot more than just the Ministry of Labour’s Employment Standards Poster in their workplaces. You may be required to have 30 or more documents and posters displayed in a location (or locations) where all your employees can see them. Employers may have posting responsibilities under the following Acts: […]
Fred Stewart
Many organizations face challenges with recording and physically safeguarding fixed assets. Organizations must also meet disclosure and other requirements when they prepare audited or other financial statements, corporate tax returns (applicable to for-profit organizations) and T3010 Registered Charity Information Returns (applicable to charitable organizations). Accounting processes and procedures must facilitate these activities.
Apolone Gentles, JD, CPA,CGA, FCCA, Bsc (Hons)