In the world of business, challenges come in various forms, and one that inevitably crosses the path of every business owner is the matter of employment severance. Understanding your obligations and rights when it comes to severance pay is very important. In this guide, we’ll simplify the complexities of severance pay. Whether you’re an experienced business owner or just starting out, grasping these essential concepts is fundamental for the sustained success of your enterprise.
Roberts & Obradovic Law
You have just terminated an employee and must now decide what to do with their email accounts, laptop data, DMs, personal folders on their laptop and all the other digital footprints employees leave every day. This post will focus on employee emails. Whether you fire with or without cause, can you read your employee’s emails when they leave?
Fixed-term contracts can seem like a useful tool for employers that may not require an employee indefinitely. However, while they appear straightforward, fixed-term contracts come with certain risks and complexities that both employers and employees should know.
Simes Law
Recently, the Divisional Court released its appeal decision in the case of Leon v. Dealnet Capital Corporation, which also deals with interesting aspects of the law surrounding arbitration agreements in the employment law context.
Rudner Law, Employment / HR Law & Mediation
For every classic payroll fraud, there is a classic internal control to prevent or mitigate the fraud. In the case discussed here, segregation of duties might have prevented the fraud or reduced the likelihood or severity of the fraud.
Apolone Gentles, JD, CPA,CGA, FCCA, Bsc (Hons)