Imagen 1

Ontario introduces new Consumer Protection Act, 2023 and amendments to the Consumer Reporting Act

The Government of Ontario has introduced Bill 142, Better for Consumers, Better for Businesses Act, 2023 that, if passed, would replace the existing Consumer Protection Act, 2002 with the new Consumer Protection Act, 2023 and would also amend the current Consumer Reporting Act.

McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Time to read 9 minutes read
Calendar December 18, 2023
Imagen 1

When are virtual termination meetings appropriate?

Virtual meetings, including virtual termination meetings, are here to stay. Thus, when ending the employment relationship, employers should aim to break the news in as sensible, respectful, and accessible setting as possible.

Vey Willetts LLP

Time to read 5 minutes read
Calendar December 15, 2023
Imagen 1

Are you entering a new vacation entitlement year? What employers need to know about vacation entitlements in Ontario

For many employers, January marks the start of a new vacation entitlement year and while employee time off is crucial to a healthy work-life balance, it can also be a source of confusion and headache for employers. So, as the New Year is rapidly approaching, here’s a refresher on vacation entitlements under the Ontario Employment Standards Act (ESA). 


Time to read 3 minutes read
Calendar December 13, 2023
Imagen 1

Is secretly recording in a workplace just cause for termination?

Employers should take note that while secretly recording a workplace conversation is not a criminal offence if the person recording it is a member of that conversation, it may still come with serious ramifications.

Simes Law

Time to read 3 minutes read
Calendar December 12, 2023
Imagen 1

Appropriate consideration

Most readers already know that in order to have a binding agreement, there must be “consideration” flowing both ways. In other words, each party must receive some sort of benefit; although I rarely invoke Latin, I do like to refer to the need for a quid pro quo in this context.

Rudner Law, Employment / HR Law & Mediation

Time to read 6 minutes read
Calendar December 8, 2023