With recent ESA changes coming in quick succession, with varying requirements and effective dates, it can be a challenging time as an employer. While this article is non-exhaustive, it offers an overview of major changes that have just arrived, or will soon be here:
Vey Willetts LLP
In general, pay transparency refers to the practice of openly sharing compensation information with current and prospective employees.
Simes Law
AI is becoming a game-changer in hiring and workplace decisions. It’s helping companies streamline recruitment, make smarter choices, and even tackle bias in the process.
The inclusion of a right to disconnect in the ESA was initially considered as a positive step forward for employees in Ontario. The reality is that this “right” was a procedural guarantee in the ESA. This article will focus on the provisions of the ESA regarding a “right to disconnect,” and their enforcement.
Rudner Law, Employment / HR Law & Mediation