De Bousquet PC Barristers and Solicitors
In AB v Joe Singer Shoes Limited, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (“HRTO”) awarded $200,000 to an employee for injury to dignity, feelings and self-respect resulting from repeated sexual assault and harassment. This is one of the HRTO’s highest damage awards.
The employee immigrated to Canada from Thailand in 1979 and obtained her first job in Canada working for Joe Singer, since deceased, at Joe Singer Shoes Limited. Joe Singer was the father of Paul Singer, the alleged perpetrator of the sexual assault and harassment. Paul Singer became the employee’s boss after the death of his father. Sometime after the employee and her husband separated in 1989, the employee moved into an apartment above the store where she worked. Her landlord was a company owned by Paul Singer.
The employee alleged that she was repeatedly sexually assaulted and harassed by Paul Singer over the course of several years, both in the store and in her apartment. Also, she alleged that Paul Singer discriminated against her by making fun of her body, accent and English language skills, and by making derogatory comments about her place of origin. Paul Singer denied most, if not all, of the allegations made against him.
The case was a “he said, she said” case and the HRTO had to weigh the credibility of the employee and Paul Singer in assessing their evidence. The HRTO concluded that, despite having memory problems, the preponderance of the evidence points to the employee being credible, and that she had been sexually assaulted and harassed both at work and in her apartment.
Based on its conclusion, the HRTO awarded $200,000 in monetary damages for the employer’s injury to dignity, feeling and self-respect. In awarding this damage award, the HRTO took into account the fact that the employee was in a vulnerable position as a single woman raising a son with disability and an immigrant.
AB v Joe Singer Shoes Limited serves to demonstrate that the courts and administrative tribunals treat sexual harassment and assault perpetrated by employers very seriously. Employees need to be alert to workplace sexual harassment and assault and are strongly encouraged to contact a human rights lawyer for legal advice if they are the victims of such incidents.
Accommodating employees with disabilities to the point of undue hardship under human rights legislation can be a complicated task. It’s important to make sure the accommodation process goes smoothly and the employee can focus on working as efficiently as possible, but employers may not be sure about what kinds of questions to ask disabled employees in order to meet their needs.
Christina Catenacci, BA, LLB, LLM, PhD
The Canadian Human Rights Commission recently posted a policy on its website concerning how it interprets and applies section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA) when it receives an inquiry or complaint. The purpose of section 13 of the Act is to balance Canadians’ rights to equality and freedom of expression with respect to hate messages, as protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The parliamentary record indicates that section 13 was initially included in the legislation to address activities of individuals and groups who used the telephone system to disseminate hate messages. In December 2001, parliament amended the CHRA by adding section 13(2), which makes it clear that Internet hate messages come under the jurisdiction of the commission.
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Ted Kenney
I’ve discussed workplace gossip here before, and what bosses can do to prevent it or at least reduce the potential harm, but there are a couple of hyper-modern developments that I didn’t get into: reality television and the Internet. These two things have created a culture of “sharing”, for lack of a better word, that encourages people at play or work to divulge the most mundane and private details of their lives to others—the kind of information that one previously might only have shared with family or best friends.
Adam Gorley