McCarthy Tétrault LLP
The Superior Court recently issued a significant warning to employers operating in Québec regarding the drafting of non-competition covenants included in employment contracts: it is a best practice to clearly define the type of prohibited work in these clauses. Failure to do so may result in the non-competition covenant being deemed abusive when seeking enforcement before the Court. In such cases, the employer risks being ordered to pay the employee’s legal fees.
In Jutras c. La Presse (2018) inc. (“La Presse”)[1], the Superior Court not only ruled that the non‑competition clause was invalid because of its lack of specificity regarding the activities targeted by the clause, but also ordered the employer to reimburse nearly $200,000 in legal fees for having requested its enforcement.
The Superior Court found the employer had abused its right to legal action, given that the non-competition provision clearly did not meet the criteria of public order under article 2089 of the Civil Code of Québec, which mandates that such provisions be limited as to time, place, and type of employment to the extent necessary to protect the legitimate interests of the employer. The non-competition clause in question prohibited the employee from working “in any way whatsoever”[2] for another company involved in the sale of advertising space.
The employer’s persistence in seeking the application of the non-competition clause, which had previously been rejected during the provisional interlocutory injunction stage due to its apparent invalidity, was viewed by the Court as an abuse of procedure. This conclusion was reached when the employer attempted to request the enforcement at the safeguard order stage, despite the content of the motion being identical to earlier proceedings. According to the Court, a reasonable person would have refrained from such actions and recognized the lack of merit in pursuing this course. From the outset, the overly broad prohibition on the work targeted by the non-competition clause should have indicated to the employer that there was no appearance of a legal right to enforce it.
Despite the Court’s findings in La Presse, an analysis of previous case law on non-competition clauses illustrates that the position of Québec courts on this matter is far from unanimous.
A first line of case law supports the validity of non-competition clauses that broadly define prohibited activities without particular specificity regarding the nature of the work targeted by the clause. According to this approach, the validity and reasonableness of the non-competition clause must be assessed globally in light of the relationship between the parties and the circumstances in which it was stipulated.
For instance, the landmark decision of the Québec Court of Appeal in Ubi Soft Divertissements Inc. c. Champagne-Pelland [Ubi Soft] (2003) illustrates the analytical framework associated with this line of reasoning.
Following this decision, Quebec courts continued to render decisions that followed the reasoning held by the Court of Appeal in Ubi Soft.
For instance, this contextual approach was applied again by the Court of Appeal in 2005, in Lemieux c. Marsh Canada Ltée [Lemieux].
More recently, in 2019, the Superior Court further endorsed this interpretation in Groupe PPD inc. c. Valois [PPD].
Given the precedent set by the first line of case law, which provides that a non-competition clause can be considered valid even if it does not precisely limit all services an employee is prohibited from providing to a competitor, the Superior Court’s ruling of procedural abuse in the La Presse decision is notable.
Prior to the La Presse decision, there was a second line of case law indicating that the validity and enforceability of a non-competition clause depend on whether the restricted activities are defined with sufficient precision.
The Superior Court’s 2017 decision PCM Sales Canada Inc. c. Botero-Rojas [PCM] is one example of the reasoning followed by this second line of case law.
In 2016, the Superior Court followed the same reasoning in Diffusions Nu-Book inc. c. Bastien [Nu-Book].
In light of the foregoing, it is prudent to consider the ruling in La Presse, wherein the Superior Court not only invalidated the clause, but also characterized the employer’s conduct as abusive. As a result of the employer’s actions, the Court mandated payment of the former employee’s legal fees, totalling nearly $200,000. Apart from its procedural and factual peculiarities, this decision notably differs from others due to the severity of the position taken against the employer seeking enforcement of the non-competition clause.
Given the conflicting lines of case law, it is plausible that the Superior Court could have arrived at a different conclusion regarding the validity of the non-competition clause in question. Nonetheless, the La Presse decision highlights the risk that an employer may be deemed to have acted abusively if it fails to identify the weaknesses of a non-competition clause “upfront” before seeking enforcement before the court. This is a risk that cannot be disregarded.
The La Presse decision serves as a reminder for employers about the importance of implementing best practices when drafting employment contracts, particularly non-competition clauses. The following are key considerations to bear in mind :
[1] This decision has not been appealed or judicially reviewed.
[2] Our translation.
[3] Our translation.
[4] Our translation.
[5] Our translation.
[6] Our translation.
[7] Our translation.
By Alexandre W. Buswell, David Paradis, Dominique Grégoire and Naomi-Edith Barandereka
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