Simon Heath, BA, MIR, LLB, Heath Law
The Ontario Court of Appeal has recently ruled on the issue of distracted driving caused by “holding” handheld devices in two companion decisions: R. v. Kazemi 2013 ONCA 585 and R. v. Pizzurro, 2013 ONCA 584. In both cases, the Court of Appeal has strictly interpreted the Ontario Highway Traffic Act (“HTA”) to mean that holding a handheld device while driving constitutes a breach of the statute because it results in distracted driving that should be avoided at all costs.
Both cases involved section 78.1 of the HTA which provides:
No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a highway while holding or using a hand-held wirless communication device or other prescribed device that is capable of receiving or transmitting telephone communications, electronic data, mail or test messages.
In Kazemi, the individual alleged that when she stopped at a red light, her cellphone fell on the ground and she had bent over to pick it up and she only had it in her hand briefly. However, when she picked it up is when she was observed by the police officer with the phone in her hand. The central issue was whether the individual was “holding” her cellphone in contravention of section 78.1 of the HTA. The Court of Appeal held that the mere holding of a phone, even if for a few seconds, would violate section 78 of the HTA. The Court of Appeal held that, “Road safety is best ensured by a complete prohibition on having a cellphone in one’s hand at all while driving”.
In Pizzurro, the individual was observed by the police driving with a cellphone in one hand and he was either reading or typing into it. The issue on appeal was whether the Crown had proved that the individual was using a phone that was capable of receiving or transmitting telephone communications, electronic data, mail or text messages and whether the Crown had to prove this burden. The Court of Appeal held that the Police and Crown did not have to prove that a handheld device was capable of transmitting or receiving data. Rather, as in Kazemi, all that was required was the handheld device to be in the individual’s hand to violate section 78 of the HTA.
These two decisions raise a host of issues for employers who either communicate with their employees or their employees communicate with their customers via handheld devices to consider:
It does not seem that unreasonable to envision a circumstance where an employer may be held to be vicarious liable or in breach of its duties under the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act if an employee causes an accident because he/she was using a handheld device while driving. Therefore, establishing proper policies and offering training may be necessary to establish an appropriate due diligence defence in case of charges.
Simon Heath LL.B, M.I.R.
Heath Law
Employment Lawyers
The Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act violence and harassment prevention provisions (Bill 168) require an employer to take all reasonable precautions in the circumstances for the protection of all employees if a domestic violence situation is likely to expose a worker to physical injury in the workplace and the employer becomes aware or ought reasonably to be aware of the situation.
But what does that imply? The law states the requirement but provides little guidance on what employers need to do to prevent domestic violence from spilling into the workplace. In addition, many employers are not comfortable addressing a situation of such a personal nature. It is not an easy task to complete and might never be.
Ted Kenney
The Ontario Occupational Health and safety Act violence and harassment prevention provisions (Bill 168) require employers to provide information, including personal information, about a person with a history of violent behaviour if:
Ted Kenney
Ontario’s upcoming occupational health and safety violence and harassment rules require that employers implement violence and harassment prevention policies. Manitoba and Saskatchewan also require OHS policies for both workplace hazards. When drafting or updating your violence/harassment policies to meet legal OHS requirements (e.g., Ontario’s Bill 168), are you creating individual policies or integrating your policies? That was the question asked in the most recent HRinfodesk poll. According to the results of the poll, out of 155 responses, 84 (~54%) respondents intend to comply to the letter of the law, while 71 (~46%) respondents have taken another approach by integrating both policies into one.
Ted Kenney