
Insights and updates on human resources, employment law, payroll, internal controls and compliance strategies.

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Remembrance Day, a public holiday for some, memorial day for others

Remembrance Day falls on Sunday, November 11 in 2018. Although Remembrance Day was declared a legal holiday like Canada Day and Victoria Day under the federal Holidays Act on March 1, 2018, provinces and territories determine which days are public holidays in their regions.

Marie-Yosie Saint-Cyr, LL.B. Managing Editor

Time to read 7 minutes read
Calendar November 8, 2018
employment law
employment standards
Federal Holiday Act
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Record human rights damage award for injury to dignity, feelings and self-respect: AB v Joe Singer Shoes Limited

The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario has awarded a record $200,000 as a human rights damage award in the case of AB v Joe Singer Shoes Limited, where the employee suffered injury to dignity, feelings and self-respect resulting from repeated sexual assault and harassment.

De Bousquet PC Barristers and Solicitors

Time to read 2 minutes read
Calendar September 26, 2018
employment law
human rights damage award
sexual assault
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Changing one’s mind about retirement

May an employee who has resigned her position of employment by way of a notice of retirement later rescind her written notice of retirement? If so, under what conditions may she do so?

Sean Bawden

Time to read 16 minutes read
Calendar September 25, 2018
contract law
employment law
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When should an employer conduct a workplace investigation?

Under the common law, and specifically under Sections 25(2)(h) and 32.0.5 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Ontario), every employer has a duty to conduct a workplace investigation after an incident of workplace violence has allegedly occurred. In other words, if an employer gets a complaint about violence at work, or if the employer witnesses violence at work, it must conduct an investigation.

Jeff Dutton, Dutton Employment Law

Time to read 5 minutes read
Calendar September 21, 2018
complaints of harassment
complaints of incidents of violence
employment law
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Q&A: 48-hour advance notification of cancelled shift coming into force on January 1, 2019

Establishing a process for the practical aspects of shift cancellation notifications in a company policy would go a long way to protect employers from paying a worker who claims that he or she did not know about the cancelled shift because he or she failed to check the method of communication for notifications.

Ava Z Moradi, JD

Time to read 4 minutes read
Calendar September 13, 2018
Attendance policy
Bill 148 the Fair Workplaces Better Jobs Act 2017
cancelled shift
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Can an employer sue an employee for compensation?

The case detailed here does not mean that employers can sue employees for any losses that arise out of their employment. It will be difficult, if not impossible, to obtain compensation for negligent work, or mistakes. However, where there is deliberate misconduct like in this case, remedies are available to the employer beyond dismissal for cause.

Rudner Law, Employment / HR Law & Mediation

Time to read 4 minutes read
Calendar September 7, 2018
Code of Ethics
dismissal for cause
employment law
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Q&A: What happens when an employee does not use their vacation entitlement?

In this conference Q&A, we address the alternatives when an employee chooses to not use their vacation entitlement in the vacation entitlement year as prescribed by law.

Marie-Yosie Saint-Cyr, LL.B. Managing Editor

Time to read 8 minutes read
Calendar September 6, 2018
Calculating vacation pay
calculating vacation time
employment law
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Q&A: Critical illness leave to take care of parent outside of Canada

In this conference Q&A, we address whether employees are entitled to take critical illness leave to care for a parent who is not in Canada.

Ava Z Moradi, JD

Time to read 3 minutes read
Calendar August 30, 2018
19th Annual Employment Law Conference
critical illness leave
Employment Insurance
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Severance for sales people

This article examines whether employers must include commissions, in addition to base salary, when calculating severance pay for sales people.

Jeff Dutton, Dutton Employment Law

Time to read 3 minutes read
Calendar August 27, 2018
calculating severance pay
employment law
Human Resources