Insights and updates on human resources, employment law, payroll, internal controls and compliance strategies.
Does your vacation policy require employees to take time off in consecutive weeks? What does the law say? The answer: it depends on the jurisdiction.
Christina Catenacci, BA, LLB, LLM, PhD
Workplace personality conflicts are becoming all too common in the Canadian workplace given the heightened sensitivity to workplace harassment. With growing frequency, employees are raising concerns about how they are treated by senior management. However, what happens if an employee crosses the line between a legitimate concern to undermining the very essence of the employment relationship?
Simon Heath, BA, MIR, LLB, Heath Law
Can you require employees to speak English? As always, the answer to this question is “yes”, “no” and “it depends”.
Michele Glassford
Enterprise architecture is an important topic to organizations from executives, to IT/business resources, to customers, at all levels and around the globe. This blog post features input from three EA experts, from Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.
Ron Richard
As the managing editor of The Human Resources Advisor and Human Resources PolicyPro, I am often asked for clarification on bonuses and employment/labour standards entitlements. Essentially, should bonuses be included in the calculation of vacation pay and public holiday pay entitlements, and why?
Marie-Yosie Saint-Cyr, LL.B. Managing Editor
The Ontario Human Rights Commission issued a release recently to notify the public about an upcoming update to its policy on creed and accommodation of religious observances. The policy was created 15 years ago and is now due to be reviewed and amended to reflect the current demographics in Ontario. Public feedback is being collected to inform the new policy – yes, this means you.
Lauren Bride
The Ontario Labour Relations Board (“the Board”) has provided additional legal interpretation of workplace harassment under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”) in Amodeo v Craiglee Nursing Home Limited, 2012 CanLII 53919 (ON LRB), which was decided on September 19th, 2012. In drawing a clear distinction between “workplace harassment” and “legitimate management conduct”, the Board has provided some welcome direction on this sometimes contentious workplace issue.
David Hyde
Thanksgiving Day in Canada occurs on the second Monday in October every year. This year, Thanksgiving Day falls on Monday, October 8.
Marie-Yosie Saint-Cyr, LL.B. Managing Editor
As an employer it is always possible that your organization will become involved in a human rights complaint— most likely as the respondent. Being the respondent means that a complaint has been filed against you, probably by an employee, former employee, customer or other member of the general public. You must respond in writing to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) within 35 days in order to preserve your legal rights.
Andrew Lawson