Norman D. Marks, CPA, CRMA
This post outlines six main principles of effective risk management and goes further to define risk management and its role in achieving objectives.
In World-Class Risk Management, I review the eleven principles in the ISO 31000:2009 global risk management standard and condense them to just six. (Later in the book, I discuss a possible risk management maturity model as well as what it takes to go beyond simply effective to deliver world-class value.)
I believe it is useful to assess your risk management activity against these principles.
As my friend Alex Sidorenko says in a recent video (which I recommend), risk management is not about managing risks: it’s about enabling informed decisions.
Informed and intelligent decisions are how we achieve objectives. Those decisions need to consider what might happen (harms, opportunities, and combinations of the two) as we strive to succeed.
With that in mind, I suggest a different definition of risk management in the book:
The effective management of risk enables risk-aware decision-making, from decisions about the direction of the organization, to its core strategies, to the decisions made every day across the extended enterprise.
The processes and related policies, structures, and systems for identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and responding to risks are established by management with oversight by the board to ensure that the effects of uncertainty (both positive and negative) on the achievement of objectives are understood and managed to support the realization of the organization’s mission and commitment to stakeholders.
My understanding is that COSO will publish its update of the ERM Framework very soon. It will be interesting to see the principles they have come up with and how they compare with mine.
In the meantime, I welcome your thoughts on the above – and any other comments you may have on this best-selling book.
I’ve discussed workplace gossip here before, and what bosses can do to prevent it or at least reduce the potential harm, but there are a couple of hyper-modern developments that I didn’t get into: reality television and the Internet. These two things have created a culture of “sharing”, for lack of a better word, that encourages people at play or work to divulge the most mundane and private details of their lives to others—the kind of information that one previously might only have shared with family or best friends.
Adam Gorley
I’ve discussed the Privacy by Design principle before, in the Inside Internal Control newsletter. In case you don’t know, PbD is an approach developed by Dr. Ann Cavoukian, the Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, which proactively embeds privacy protection by default in the design of an organization’s practices and products.
Colin Braithwaite